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calling station中文是什么意思

用"calling station"造句"calling station"怎么读"calling station" in a sentence


  • 呼叫电台
  • 呼叫站, 调用位置
  • 引入点


  • This morning i walked to the calling station to call my dad
  • This morning when i was walking to the calling station to call my dad , i saw a woman washing laundry on the sidewalk
  • Calling subscriber identification . optional signal indicates that the following frame is an identification of the calling station . used to provide additional security to fax procedure
用"calling station"造句  


Calling station is a poker term used to negatively describe someone who consistently calls bets and rarely (if ever) raises, regardless of the strength of his/her hand. In Texas hold 'em and other community card poker games, calling stations are sometimes rewarded for their poor play by lucky cards that come on the board, often encouraging unskilled players to overestimate their skill level.
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